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JavaScript Resolver Directive Spec

This document (DRAFT) describes GraphQL directives used to annotate a GraphQL schema which is backed by JavaScript resolvers. Its goal is to encode enough information that a complete GraphQL executor for the schema can be inferred directly from the GraphQL Schema Definition Language (SDL) document. This approach is especially attractive for implementation-first servers where the GraphQL schema and how to execute it can be inferred directly from the resolver code itself.


Ideally this scheme can enabling decoupling and interoperability between tools. For example:

  • Tools that could generate SDL with these directives:
  • Tools that could consume SDL with these directives:
    • Tools like Grat's TypeScript codegen which generates code for a GraphQLSchema object.
    • A hypothetical alternative to Grat's codegen which produces GraphQL-Tools resolver maps.
    • Relay's compiler which generates runtime artifacts capable of evaluating Relay Resolvers for queries
    • A hypothetical GraphQL executor which directly understands these annotations and can execute operations without any codegen.

If adopted this could enable scenarios like a schema inferred by Grats could be executed by Relay Resolvers, or a schema inferred by Relay could be used to generate a GraphQL-Tools resolver map.

First Draft

This initial draft was defined based on the internal metadata tracked by Grats and Relay Resolvers. It should be sufficient to support those two tools in this current form. We should proceed through an initial feedback phase where we seek feedback from other tools which might benefit from this specification. As/if new tools emerge in the ecosystem we should consider expanding/evolving the directives.


Describes the backing resolver for a field.
directive @resolver(kind: ResolverKind!) on FIELD_DEFINITION

Describes a resolver's implementation in one of several flavors.
input ResolverKind @oneOf {
The resolver is a simple property on the source object.
property: PropertyResolver
The resolver is a method on the source object.
method: MethodResolver
The resolver is function exported from a module.
function: FunctionResolver
The resolver is static method on a class exported from a module.
staticMethod: StaticMethodResolver

Describes a resolver that is defined as a property or getter on the source object.
input PropertyResolver {
The name of the property on the parent object. If omitted the field name is used.
name: String

Describes a resolver that is defined as a method on the source object.
input MethodResolver {
The name of the method on the source object. If omitted the field name is used.
name: String
An ordered list of positional arguments expected by the resolver method.
arguments: [ResolverArgument]

Describes a resolver that is defined as a function.
input FunctionResolver {
The path of the module from which the function is exported.
TODO: What should this be relative to?
TODO: How do we support non-path imports, like imports from libraries?
path: String!

The name under which the function is exported. If this property is omitted, a default export is assumed.
exportName: String

An ordered list of positional arguments expected by the resolver method.
arguments: [ResolverArgument]

Describes a resolver that is defined as a static method on a class.
input StaticMethodResolver {
The path of the module from which the class is exported.
TODO: What should this be relative to?
TODO: How do we support non-path imports, like imports from libraries?
path: String!

The name under which the class is exported. If this property is omitted, a default export is assumed.
exportName: String

The name of the static method on the exported class which defines the resolver.
name: String!

An ordered list of positional arguments expected by the resolver method.
arguments: [ResolverArgument]

Describes a positional JavaScript argument expected by a resolver function or method.
input ResolverArgument @oneOf {
The source object. This is what graphql-js resolvers expect in the first position.
source: bool

An object map containing all the GraphQL arguments.
This is what graphql-js resolvers expect in the second position.
argumentsObject: bool

The GraphQL execution context. This is what graphql-js resolvers expect in the third position.
context: bool

The GraphQL "info" object. This is what graphql-js resolvers expect in the fourth position.
information: bool

The single GraphQL argument with the given name. This allows resolvers to access individual arguments as positional arguments instead of always needing to access them as a single object map.
named: String


Here are some examples from Grats and how they would be encoded using this scheme.

Simple properties and methods

/** @gqlType */
class User {
/** @gqlField */
name: string;

/** @gqlField */
greet(greeting: string): string {
return `${greeting}, ${}`;
type User {
greet(greeting: String!): String
@resolver(kind: { method: { arguments: [{ name: "greeting" }] } })

name: String @resolver(kind: { property: {} })

Function resolver

/** @gqlType */
type User = {
/** @gqlField name */
userName: string;

/** @gqlField */
export function greet(user: User, greeting: string): string {
return `${greeting}, ${}`;
type User {
greet(greeting: String!): String
kind: {
path: "path/to/module.js"
exportName: "greet"
function: { arguments: [{ source: true }, { name: "greeting" }] }

name: String @resolver(kind: { property: { name: "username" } })


Here are some questions that remain unanswered:

  1. How should we encode import paths?
  2. How should we encode custom scalar serialization/deserialization functions?
  3. ???